Alien vs. Predator 3 - Sequel or Reboot the franchise?

AdminJungle HunterJun-26-2016 11:08 AMIt's no surprise that throughout 2017 and 2018, Alien and Predator will be making a big comeback in Hollywood. Now, I'm extremely thrilled to see both Alien: Covenant and The Predator take these franchises back to their respective roots, but the thought in the back of everyone's mind is - will these two ever cross paths again?
Growing up I was a huge fan of Dark Horse Comics' Aliens vs. Predator comicbook line. The story, the characters, everything about it I loved.
When Paul W.S. Anderson's Alien vs. Predator movie hit in 2004, I was less than impressed, only to be totally turned off the AvP franchise when it's sequel AvP: Requiem arrived a few years later.
Most will agree the AvP film adaptations lacked key factors which made the original series stand out. The concept had so much potential, had they utilized a better cast, a better script and better suited directors.
My question today is, if Fox choose to revisit this crossing of franchises down the road, because we all know it's a money maker and will likely be discussed following the success of Alien: Covenant and The Predator, should they continue on the same plotline left behind by the established AvP films? Or, should they reboot the series completely, giving the reigns to a more deserving director, casting and writing better characters and setting the film in a more believable timeline?
Personally, I'm all for a reboot. A deep space war, between Colonial Marines, Aliens and Predators are what made the games so effective. Bring back the suspense, tension and horror and you could very easily create an amazing versus flick. They would need to show respect of course to both IPs, not treating and showing Aliens as mindless insects and not teaming Humans up with Predators. A free for all, set in the far future, maybe even on board a USCM vessel or Weyland-Yutani ship, who knows!
My point is, the potential for these two crossing paths again is there and I would totally get behind it, but only if Fox took it seriously and treat it with the same respect and devotion as what they're showing towards Covenant and The Predator. Who's with me?

I Meme Everything
MemberAlien DroneJun-26-2016 11:20 AMAVP 3 IS HAPPENING?!
"Part of the journey is the end..."

David 7
MemberFacehuggerJun-26-2016 11:21 AMI think right now, probably not a good idea. After all, the Alien universe and the Predator universes are being remapped and reshaped and I think they r focused on these two for the moment. You're right though, if they are serious about it, they will get a good writer and director who will take this seriously rather than not. For right now, in my opinion, I don't think it is the right time, maybe a few years out. Right now the focus is on Alien and the universe, especially when we see what Blomkamp has in store and Shane Black's Predator and his direction.
I too also grew up in the 90s when Darkhouse did the series and it was great.

Necronom 4
MemberBloodedJun-26-2016 11:39 AMThey really should just leave it alone! No sequels. No re-boots. Just leave it!
I think it would be a very naïve move from them to think that they could make profit and regain the support of the fans.
Bottom line is; the AVP project didn't work. They should just keep the two universes separate.
Move on! Do something new and original!
The poster was good though!

MemberAlien DroneJun-26-2016 12:22 PMplease no more AVP, the first movie was utter crap!
The second movie was crap too but at least it used the source material.

MemberFacehuggerJun-26-2016 1:43 PMI mean if they did another it'd pretty much have to be at least a soft reboot. I don't think they could continue directly from AVP:R, and that movie is best left forgotten.

MemberChestburtsterJun-26-2016 1:53 PMThere's no need to reboot anything. Just don't reference the previous films.
If Covenant and The Predator do well I don't imagine we'll be seeing another AvP any time soon.

MemberAlien DroneJun-26-2016 3:16 PMI think both AVPs need to be forgotten, forever!

AdminJungle HunterJun-26-2016 3:18 PMWith the amount of emphasis Studios are putting on their breadwinning franchises, by means of spin-offs, sequels and prequels, I absolutely see Fox toying with the idea of revisiting AvP. If they can regain the interest and value the Alien and Predator franchises once had, why not? History does have a knack for repeating itself.
Hopefully this time, they realize that quality outweighs quantity. It will all depend on he reception these new films receive, but I don't doubt for a minute it's not something on the minds of the suits pulling the strings.

Necronom 4
MemberBloodedJun-26-2016 3:42 PM@Chris - "Hopefully this time, they realize that quality outweighs quantity."
The fact of the matter is; they never do realize.
It's like the board of directors know nothing about quality film. Well, that's how it appears to me sometimes.
We keep hoping that they will come up with the goods every time a film that we may be interested in is in development, only to be disappointed time and time again.
After all these decades of quality films being made and then on the flip side, all the flops that have been made, surely they would have learnt the secret formula by now if they actually gave has much attention to the film as they do to the promotion.
Nope, they haven't a clue! They've always got to stick their fingers in the pie. It's about time these big Hollywood studio's gave all the creative freedoms an accomplished film maker requires. Otherwise they are going to end up churning out flop after flop after flop. That's not good for us and it certainly isn't good for them.
The poster was good though!

MemberFacehuggerJun-26-2016 3:58 PMI think studios are being painted in a bad light here.
While they definitely do care about profits it's not like they don't want good movies to be associated with their names. While admittedly some films do seem like throw aways it's not like the studios don't usually try to make something entertaining.
As for having the formula down that's harder than it sounds, I'm not sure anyone has that 100%
@Chris- I definitely think this has been brought up, especially in the instance the new films of each franchise succeed. They've seen what not to do on the bright side, so maybe they could at least learn from that.
I will however admit I like the first AVP. It's not great, but I'll find myself watching it every blue moon. I equate that to being more of a fan of the Predator franchise, than the Alien although I like both, the crossover seems to try to appeal to the Predator fans much more.

Necronom 4
MemberBloodedJun-26-2016 4:03 PMJust to add; when they funded AVP, they probably thought that they had a big money maker on their hands. But, it didn't do very well at the box office so what did they do? Made a sequel. How stupid can you get?
The first one flops so they think it would be a good idea to make a sequel. What kind of F**ked up logic is that?
And now they're thinking of making another because "we think we're on to something this time!"
The poster was good though!

MemberFacehuggerJun-26-2016 4:03 PMAs long as each of the three factions have an intertwining progressive crossing paths & motivations to drive an Ultima Conclusion out & some Cannon Easter Eggs through any source of a continuance of AvP is all I would ever want to See (>^^)>

Necronom 4
MemberBloodedJun-26-2016 4:17 PMSorry for that outburst I don't know what came over me lol
AVP and AVP 2 are modern day masterpieces. Why would anyone want to miss the opportunity to make another? FFS..On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Until... people realise they've had enough of shite film and shout "NO MORE!"
The poster was good though!

Necronom 4
MemberBloodedJun-26-2016 4:34 PMOf course, I could always choose to not go see it. However, the fact that it existed would be akin to something like that burnt on stain you get in your roasting tray that just won't go, no matter how much you scrub.
The poster was good though!

MemberChestburtsterJun-26-2016 7:47 PM"Just to add; when they funded AVP, they probably thought that they had a big money maker on their hands. But, it didn't do very well at the box office so what did they do? Made a sequel. How stupid can you get?"
Both AvPs were quite financially successful. $172m and $129m are both good returns on $60m and $40m budgets.

Something Real
MemberPredatorJun-26-2016 10:27 PMCHRIS PICARD - Oh, saints alive, I hope they leave that nonsense in the past - far in the past.

MemberAlien EggJun-27-2016 12:31 AMI thought the effects in AVP were very good. Plot holes galore and some questionable script and of course massive cannon mines! AVPR was just totally abysmal. I would love to see another movie. Doesn't nee to be a reboot, just another story.

MemberBloodedJun-27-2016 12:31 AMLet it be, I have watched the first AvP movie and it wasn't that good. For some reason it seems that they are afraid to try new things and go back to old concepts even though these concepts suck when put into reality. Well it is Fox that put Noomi back into Alien Covenant so what to expect?

MemberChestburtsterJun-27-2016 12:43 AMI'd expect the survivor of a film to end up in the next one if that story is being continued.
What 'old concepts' did AvP use?

MemberAlien EggJun-27-2016 1:10 AMI am all for a reboot or a sequel. I don't care.
I love all 3 predator films. I love Aliens 1,2,3, AvP and Prometheus
AvP:R and Alien 4 are okay. I don't hate them. I always consider myself and easy going fan when it comes to quality or sequels.
I'll never hate more of a movie I love.
Eg. I love all 7 Star Wars movies. And the shows. I love the prequels, yes. I love all 4 JP films. I love all 5 Terminators. I'll always love movie if it uses things from a franchise that I love, unless it is drastically changed.
I can't see myself enjoying an Independence Day sequel, as I'm am not a fan of the original, but don't hate it either. The sequel would have to be really good. But if it's a predator film. Cast I don't know, some mix of CGI and props, good score and some mythology to explore, I'm all down for it.
The only franchise I could ever be seriously pissed off with is if they ruined either Star Wars or JP. Predator, Alien, Jaws, etc. I can forgive.
That's my in put.

Necronom 4
MemberBloodedJun-27-2016 1:35 AM@S.M - "Both AvPs were quite financially successful. $172m and $129m are both good returns on $60m and $40m budgets."
I didn't know that.
My apologies to everyone for the incoherent rants! This AVP stuff brings out the obnoxious idiot in me lol.
The poster was good though!

MemberBloodedJun-27-2016 6:45 AMSM: More like old ideas (and that these ideas were not being very good), sorry for being vague.

MemberAlien DroneJun-27-2016 7:59 AMAs a devoted ALIEN, It baffles how could anyone love that shitty first AVP movie! It doesn't even use the fucking source material!
They got the predator's heat vision wrong
They have predators walking out in the freaking cold which they lack any body fat to protect themselves from the cold.
They are supposed to be attracted to hot weather climates
Acid blood potency is heavily reduced, when the lead human character got acid blood on her it doesn't burn through her jacket like almost instantly. Remember in Aliens when Hicks got acid blood on his steel chest plate armor and it was burning very fast through it.
Queen kills predator with chestburster in it, despite xenomorphs are not supposed to attack anyone who's been impregnated.
The whole plot of Antarctica was free of ice was stupid since the days of a non-polar Antarctica was millions of years ago before humans even evolved so it broke the willing dispense of disbelief for me. The reason why Antarctica is now frozen is because its locked in a cold ocean flow and its at the south pole.
Also why do the temple xenomorphs look like Alien Resurrection Xenos?
Talking about the temple, it was built in an ice sheet, an ice sheet! Mean that if Antarctica was free of ice then that temple should of been floating on water!

AdminJungle HunterJun-27-2016 8:23 AM@Necro, I think studios are realizing that audiences are more intelligent and aware now than they were 10+ years ago. With the advent of social media, movie plots and impressions are discussed at length, they can't "pull a fast one" on us and secure ticket sales by playing into marquee value. The Predator and Alien: Covenant are being treated with great respect and consideration. Imagine a crossing over treated with the same consideration!
@Xenotaris, yeah they would need to adhere to the source material more than they did the first time around. That's why I voted for a full reboot, ret-con the two that exist as bad dream, pull an "Alien 5" on them haha.
Like S.M said, both AvP's did make Fox a decent return at the box office, despite its critical backlash. Imagine an AvP done o the size and scale of Alien: Covenant or The Predator...
We can't rule out that a new AvP won't be discussed down the road behind closed doors. The game and comic fan inside me wishes we'd see a proper film adaptation, but Fox would need to work very hard to convince me (and all of you) that a new AvP would be worth my money. We can only hope!

MemberAlien DroneJun-27-2016 8:23 AMHopefully they would base the reboot more off the games storyline (ie Aliens vs Predator 2 & its expansion Primal Hunt)

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerJun-27-2016 11:10 AMI'm looking forward to the new Predator film in development by Shane Black. But as far as Aliens and Predators sharing the screen, I think Hollywood is probably incapable of doing it well.
CGI movies or some other animated versions could probably be cool, though, if there's a market for that. I'm not familiar with the comics, though.

MemberAlien DroneJun-27-2016 1:39 PMI've only read the ALIEN comics so.... I wouldn't know the storyline behind the AVP comics

MemberChestburtsterJun-27-2016 3:16 PM"They have predators walking out in the freaking cold which they lack any body fat to protect themselves from the cold.
They are supposed to be attracted to hot weather climates"
It was supposed to be a test.
"Acid blood potency is heavily reduced, when the lead human character got acid blood on her it doesn't burn through her jacket like almost instantly. Remember in Aliens when Hicks got acid blood on his steel chest plate armor and it was burning very fast through it."
Lex got less blood on her (thanks to the Alien head shield) and it was diluted by the snow when the Queen smacked her. She got her jacket off in around the same time Hicks (who copped more blood at very close range) got his armour off.
"Queen kills predator with chestburster in it, despite xenomorphs are not supposed to attack anyone who's been impregnated."
Did the job though. A threat had to be removed (or at least vengeance had to be taken) and the embryo was preserved. If we want to be picky, Scar's burster should've been born before they escaped the Temple, based on gestation times in that film.
"The whole plot of Antarctica was free of ice was stupid since the days of a non-polar Antarctica was millions of years ago before humans even evolved so it broke the willing dispense of disbelief for me. The reason why Antarctica is now frozen is because its locked in a cold ocean flow and its at the south pole."
Despite Bouvetoya being a pretty good location due to its isolation, everything mentioned about Antarctica is bogus. Bouvet is closer to Africa than Antarctica.
"Also why do the temple xenomorphs look like Alien Resurrection Xenos?"
They had different feet.
"Talking about the temple, it was built in an ice sheet, an ice sheet! Mean that if Antarctica was free of ice then that temple should of been floating on water!"
It was under the ice in a cave.

MemberAlien WarriorJun-27-2016 5:00 PM@Xenotaris
Agreed, the movies should have been given more of a budget and better director and draft and BOTTOM LINE... based on the AVP Games Timeline... i.e post 2179
But will they make another? I think so for sure.. when.. who knows.. in 20 years? we cant be sure as far as sooner i think it depend on the reception of Alien Covenant and Alien 5 and the New Predator Movies.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberAlien WarriorJun-27-2016 5:07 PM"Well it is Fox that put Noomi back into Alien Covenant so what to expect?"
Not really sure what was going on with that... at first they confirmed she would play a minor role, then we had the Synopsis that did not include her.... then it was confirmed she would not be joining up with the cast to shoot in Australia...
I dont think Ridley 100% confirmed she is not in it?
In a interview she was very coy and had a look on her face when asked about Alien Covenant that led me to think that Shaw played a role at least or something special in store... even if that meant Rappace would not return.
Now she is joining for shooting but again, the News is Ambiguous as does "weeks" mean as in a number of Weeks.. or a Weeks worth?
She was to feature prior to the John Logan Re-Write and as with any movie, changes can be made and added as they go along.
The Prometheus Shaw vs Engineer Re-Shoot, and the Hanger Scene we got were not the Final Draft or Shooting draft but added latter. When they was actually shooting.
"The first one flops so they think it would be a good idea to make a sequel. What kind of F**ked up logic is that?"
As SM pointed out they would have seen the % turnover as a Profit and while Prometheus had its critics it too made a good return and so a Sequel got the go ahead.
But yes AVP2 was well shocking movie!
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017