Aliens vs. Predator

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MemberAlien DroneNov-28-2017 5:15 AM

I watched AVP the other day for the first time in a couple years(i watched AVP Reqieum more recently lol)and it wasn't as horrible as i remembered it to be,it's still not very good.How many people here like AVP?No judgment,just honesty.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

9 Replies


MemberPredatorNov-28-2017 6:12 AM

I like AVP. Get some popcorn and enjoy. Requiem is one of the worst movies ever made though.


MemberBloodedNov-28-2017 7:13 AM

requiem was just aweful n made no sense at all. one minute the mother ship is passing our moon n is far away from earth, the next its launching a pod down the earth????? the idea of avp is great imo. it just wasn't done well. it cant be set on earth. it has to be out there somewhere. they would do well to consult the dark horse writers for ideas if they wish to do another


MemberYoung BloodNov-28-2017 8:19 AM

I like AVP! I'll always wish that they were different, but I enjoy the two. Requiem is GARBAGE. That movie is just unforgiveable. Predator. Alien. In a smalll Colorado town. THE LIGHTING (Covenant had some questionably dark moments though lol). A plot about a nerdy teenager trying to win the girl. Come, man. Although every once in a blue moon, I pop in Requiem. I can't deny the Pred-Alien design or some of the action scenes for sure

Not a map, an invitation


MemberAlien DroneNov-28-2017 12:06 PM

Oddly I enjoy AVP a lot more after ARP:R lol. Its entertaining, despite some questionable casting and cheesy lines.

AVP:R I don't think Ive been able to sit through the whole film since the first watch at the cinema. It is just frustrating and difficult to watch for a lot of reason. Agreed Cuponator on the whole badboy teenage love angle, the best part of that film was when that chick got nailed by Wolf's Shuriken. Totally unlikeable characters


MemberAlien DroneMar-05-2020 4:01 AM

I hate every once of AVP: I thought it was okay at first when I first watched it in 2004 but the more i kept rewatching the more I hated it especially after rewatching the old Alien movies.



MemberAlien WarriorMar-05-2020 5:43 AM

AVP was not a Bad Flick.... if you consider it as Non-Canon then it was not to bad, it gave us the Action and the Effects were decent.....

Shame they had to Connect it to a 20th Century Time-Line and the Chariots of the Gods like themes.

Would have been much better if they had Discovered a ALIEN WORLD where there was these Pyramids and then revealed that the Predators must have Visited us in the Past and Captured Humans to use to Birth Xenomorphs.

AVPR had some Interesting things, it started off ok, but just went to POT Half-Way through..... i have watched it 3 Times and i cant see point in Watching it again... Mind you The Predator is just a Shocking too.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberAlien DroneMar-06-2020 4:32 AM

Things I would change about AVP would be to scrap the prequel angle, fire Paul W S Anderson, and change the setting to the future to be more in-line with ALIENS.



MemberBloodedMay-13-2020 9:56 AM

It is not a totally crappy movie, as far as I know the main character was not as annoying as Shaw so she was better but it has the same problem as the prequels, AR, and AVPR – the characters but AVPR is in its own league of shittiness. AVP is a movie that I have not watched in many years but as far as I know I only remember two of the characters namely Weyland and the main character (Lex, I had to look up the name). The pyramid was interesting and the way it was constructed, I like how it rotated now and then because it created some tension in the movie.


MemberPredatorMay-13-2020 12:49 PM

Poor Lance Henriksen couldn't get a break: shredded by an Alien Queen and killed by a Predator.

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