Aliens vs. Predator

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MemberBloodedJul-08-2016 10:40 AM

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MemberBloodedJul-08-2016 12:10 PM


MemberAlien WarriorJul-08-2016 4:23 PM

Could Eisenberg's Father be Kylo Ren?

They do look similar ;)


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberAlien WarriorJul-08-2016 4:28 PM

On a serious note.... does have a Prometheus connection..

"Eisenberg was the only survivor of a disastrous first expedition to LV-1201"

"10 years latter, Eisenberg was in charge of the now extensive research facilities established on LV-1201"

Swap him for David.... lol

But yes the game did raise the fact that, the Human Eisenberg was badly wounded and so had his consciousness and memories uploaded to a Synthetic Version with the help of his Father.

This was one of the Plot points, i thought Prometheus could follow before the movie was released... that Weyland would upload himself to David?

Who knows they could pull a similar stunt for Alien Covenant where Davids doppelganger is maybe a Synthetic Construct who has Weylands Soul so to speak.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberBloodedJul-08-2016 7:20 PM


Kylo Ren! The similarity is uncanny!

Anyway I find your theory of Weyland's uploading to David to be very possible, if not probable! Weyland's strange speech on 'souls' seem to hint at such. And if he was truly a billionaire genius, wouldn't an uploading to David's head be sensible? 

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