Aliens vs. Predator

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MemberBloodedJul-07-2016 10:30 AM

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15 Replies


MemberBloodedJul-07-2016 10:49 AM

On a side note, look at the architecture. Much different from the original ALIEN chamber. More evidence for the 'Space Jockeys are not engineers' argument?



MemberAlien WarriorJul-07-2016 10:54 AM

Was a Good Game and what the AVP movies should have been about... set in the year post 2179

As far as the Game not quite looking as Organic as the Derelict i think we cant use this to establish anything, i think that Alien Isolation Derelict Mission is a better representation

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberBloodedJul-07-2016 11:02 AM


Ah, I see.


MemberAlien EggJul-07-2016 5:09 PM

Very cool. I loved this under rated game too. The reveal of the Derelict and the scene where #8 mutates into a Queen were impressive too. I'm surprised that there was not more discussion about it.


MemberChestburtsterJul-07-2016 5:23 PM

"As far as the Game not quite looking as Organic as the Derelict i think we cant use this to establish anything, i think that Alien Isolation Derelict Mission is a better representation"

Bizarrely that was the least accurate part of that game.


MemberAlien EggJul-08-2016 4:56 AM


You mean Alien Isolation ? 

Because the entire derelict was brought to the screen with amazing detail in that game. (Like everything else by the way) 


MemberAlien WarriorJul-08-2016 9:26 AM

Yeah i think SM may mean as far as the Technical Design such as interior map of the ship compared to what really would fit inside.... then again the Egg Chamber was always also a inconsistancy

What i meant was that the interior and look in Isolation was more closer to Alien as far  as the Organic Bio-Mechnoid look..... the previous games include Marines games the ship looked more Mechanical than Organic

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberAlien WarriorJul-08-2016 9:29 AM

Things also like the Beacon.... why would you need to travel up those tiny corridors to the Beacon?  Would the Space Jockey not been able to activate it from the Pilot Room and then how does the Jockey even get to the where the Beacon is in Alien Isolation

so the way they portrayed the schematic of the interior layout was maybe not as well done as if we ever did have a full exploration of the ship in Alien

But i still feel the look of the Architecture of the Ship in that game matches Alien more closely than say the Juggernaught did in Prometheus etc. As far as construction materials


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberAlien EggJul-09-2016 10:27 AM

Absolutely Big Dave. 

One of the things I did notice, is that the "Pilot Room" in the game feels more massive than it actually did in the movie. The Egg silos felt more compressed, however the tunnels were just as massive as in the movie. 

The look and feel of the place was pretty much spot on when compared to the original Alien movie. 


MemberAlien EggJul-18-2016 10:24 AM

I was really confused for a second. I didn't realize it was talking about the game. If someone ever refers to AVP Requiem as a "Cult classic", I will personally send a Predalien your way.



MemberChestburtsterJul-18-2016 3:09 PM

"You mean Alien Isolation ? 

Because the entire derelict was brought to the screen with amazing detail in that game. (Like everything else by the way) "

Amazing detail, but oddly, not amazing accuracy. I was baffled that a game that nailed practically everything had so many differences from the film in that sequence.


MemberBloodedJul-18-2016 5:55 PM


AVPR is quite disgusting indeed.

Gee W

MemberFacehuggerAug-09-2016 5:17 AM

That space jockey installation was so massive, what were they doing there? I loved how those big tunnels snaked into the ground. Such a good creepy atmosphere in that game. If they ever do an AvP movie again, it should be like that game. 


MemberAlien DroneAug-09-2016 12:34 PM

Hopefully that AVP movie will be a reboot to the AVP film-line



MemberBloodedSep-07-2016 4:31 PM

@Gee W

Its fantastic size does bring some curiosity!

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