Aliens vs. Predator

Alien Vs Predator TV Series - NO REBOOTING

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MemberAlien EggMar-09-2015 3:32 PM

Main characters:

Human telepath - outlaw from the self-isolated human-telepath colony. middle height, blonde, blue eyes, very beautiful. One colony found remnants of alien city which misteriously affected future generations to become telepaths. They cannot read minds, but can make influence in moods of other living beings and recieve deliberately directed thoughts. Therefore, telepath can calm enraged animal.

Genuine Xenomorph - called "Xeno". Runner, with scar on side of his head. Scar is in the shape of nails of small human hand (so, five furrows). He is trained to fight GM Aliens. Original xenomorphs are sea-creatures like dolphins, frendly to humans. Queen lies eggs in water, facehuggers do NOT hug faces but search sea-corals to lay embrios in it. Embrios recieve first body material from corals, then "chestbursters" (=coralbursters) use planktons and small fishes for food, full-grown drones eat seafood. Xeno is pet/friend to outlow-telepath and they live together in a small island. He is a only known genuine xenomorph, and his homeworld is unknown. His former master has gone, and Telepath met him accidentaly and they befriended.

Predator hunter-Apostate - big, "classic" look predator. After the great war with powerfull alien race ("Pilots"), one fraction of Predators become bloodthirsty hunters with no respects of other sentient species. This Predator come to know the human way of life, especially raising children, and got disgusted by the ways of the hunter. In shame, he refuses to wear tribal mask so he cannot use self guided weapons (plasmacaster, disk etc.) but he has blue EMP whip capable to stun (and hurt) enemies. In one conflict with his own fraction, he was left badly injured. Xeno and Telepath saved him and he became their ally.

Predator scientist - other predator fraction. Human-sized, with mask and all the weapons. This fraction took most of the Pilot technology and wanted to use it only to defence purposes. Hunters enslaved them (movie: predators) and forced them to make ships/weapons for them.  Dispersed in space, they are looking for allies to overthrow hunters and found them in humans but still don't have trust in them. This predator only have contact with Telepath, knows of Predator Apostate but is very unfriendly to him.

Alien Killers - Genetically modified by "Pilots" to become bio-weapon against humanoids. They are constantly in drugged state so they cannot control their bloodthirst. Telepath is able to temporarly calm them, but only if they are in small group. They cannot differ Xeno from themselves so he can infiltrate in their hive.

Telepath chasers - two males, one women, same look as the Outlaw. Telepaths consider themselves as extremly dangerous for other humans and their code forces them to stay in isolated society. They send three of them to bring back Outlaw, but later that three will realise that telepathy is gift for all mankind and female will stay with Outlaw, other two will return to their colony to convince others that their code is wrong.

Pilots - enormus humanoid creatures. They mastered genetic modification, predator scientist continued their work on sentient beings

Mom & Daughter - saved by Xeno from rescue ship shot by predator hunters and fallen in sea of planet where Outlaw and Xeno lives. Xeno becomes toddler's personal protector. Maybe should be interesting to Predator Apostate and mom in time have some sort of close "platonic" relationship

Dr Eisenberg, Harrison, Tomiko... - characters from Aliens Vs Predator 2 video game. They fate will be very different than in the game (no one dies).


Telepath and Xeno fights the GM aliens wherever they find their hive. Predator Apostat helps them and they help him against his fraction. Predator scientist also asks for help against hunters, but his fraction keeps big secret. Xeno refuses to reveal where he got scar, but it will be revealed first by speculation then...
Predator scientists tried to make bio-weapon by genetically modifing humans with xenomorph genom. The result was Androxenid, sentient, human-shaped (like Ripley in Alien 4), but with mind what robot Ash describes in Alien 1 (for xenomorph race). He is faster and stronger than any xenomorph, unkown ability of speaking, can make alien "hiss" sound and actualy will take over the biggest xenomorph hive on a planet where AVP2 game takes place, after bare hand killing lots of them. He is ultimate threat to all sentient beings therefore the biggest enemy in all TV series. Predator scientist translate his name as "Human-Demon". In a form of child, he wiped out entire predator science facility where he was created, encountered genuine alien hive and eradicate them. Xeno is sole survivor and his scar is from the child Androxenid (now grown-up).

It is also possible to include Arnold Schwarzenegger "Total Recall" movie into the AVP franchise: The artifact (Predator) technology in Pyramid Mountain is actually main base for all human terraform engines - when Arnie start the reactor, the sound is the same as Predator's focus-laser beam, so - Mars was the first human terraformed colony in (AVP) history

Scene ideas:

Xeno vs Praetorian - will kill him by stabbing his throat with tail in one incredibly fast attack

Predator Apostate vs Predator hunter - will use disk (freehand) to deflect plasma shot

Mom is inbred with alien embrio. Xeno performers surgery by killing chestburster in one fingershot in head (through mom's stomach) with no blood spill. Then makes cut, takes alien out and uses his mouth secretion to cover wound. Xeno also saves cocooned humans from the hive.

Daughter thought that one GM xenomorph is Xeno. He takes her to the hive and she encounters Androxenid. Scene after that, marines finds her walking from the cave unharmed. For unknown reason, Human-Demon leaves her to go, ordering xenomorphs not to harm her. She said "I met one strange, silent man in the cave".

Dr Eisenberg tries to control artificial hive. When he meet Telepath, he changes his ways

In many situations, Predator apostate helps general Rykov, but Rykov still wants to kill him

Fights should be epical, not slaughterish

(Game AVP2) Harrison & Tomiko - love story with happy ending. Many situations follows the game (except the last one)

Main message:

Every creature is God creation, therefore good regardless how "ugly" it is. Every episode should be rated separately and have censored variant, so that even children can watch some of the episodes. Every episode is one story, but the story is slowly revealed (like e.g. Star Trek TV series).
The point is, Alien & Predator franchise is incredibly unexploited. In this way, it will go mainstream and will be proper for child enjoyment. After this, there will be comics, video games and action figures for kids and that means LOTS OF MONEY FOR FOX ENTERTAINMENT.

My name is Jovan HP, I live in the city of Pancevo, Serbia and I'm sick of satanism of Alien&Predator movies, but i love the franchise very, very much.

2 Replies


MemberChestburtsterMar-10-2015 4:33 AM

i like the idea of predator scientists . are they similar to the predator themselves ??

do they look the same ? i mean EXACTLY the same ??


MemberAlien EggApr-01-2015 11:27 AM

Is this a tv show? because if it is I would watch it.

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