Who would win for real absolute truth: Alien Or The badass,super boss,awesome PREDATORS!!!!!
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MemberAlien EggDec-10-2013 6:40 PM
MemberAlien EggDec-26-2013 9:28 PM
MemberAlien EggApr-07-2014 5:31 PMThe predators are more advanced therefore they don't need to mass produce their numbers to destroy a planet. They just blow everything up from orbit if they're so inclined. They have the tech to do that, no doubt. They don't because they like to hunt for sport or honor. Exterminating everything with the push of a button ain't no fun.

MemberAlien EggMar-18-2015 9:48 PMIt's all done to weapons. A fully armed Pred is capable of taking out hundreds of Xeno's. But one on one, no weapons, bye bye Predator.

MemberFacehuggerMar-19-2015 4:20 AMHow skilled is the Predator, what kind of xeno, how many are there, where are they fighting? All of these need to have some type of base for us to come up with an answer. Some predators can wreck whole xeno hives and others get 1v1ed by drones. There are aliens that take multiple predators to fight. There are different weapons the Predator could have.