MemberFacehuggerAug-20-2013 8:06 AMI have it but it's for the xbox 360. I've not played it in a long time and not really a fan of the game. But a games night does sound like a good idea. I know other sites do the same with AVP and ACM.

MemberAlien EggAug-20-2013 9:01 AMi always preferred AvP 2 but since they shut down master servers wasn't really bothered to download the master server patch after that. And isn't really the same since there are less servers with players nowadays. the new one isn't that bad but its not as good as the older titles. Yea Avpgalaxy tend to do game nights from time to time.
[img width=351 height=150]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ML_kFkjpdzE/SK6uPUT8iKI/AAAAAAAAGm4/tzk1lye2eZE/s400/vlcsnap-94269.jpg[/img] "Frostmourne Hungers"

MemberFacehuggerAug-20-2013 9:08 AMI've not played AVP2 in a long time! In fact it's in my attic. I have the original AVP game on steam which I need to play once in a while I've played that online on the steam servers. The mutiplayer on the AVP 2003 isn't the best. It was OK for a short while then it just got terrible. Everyone wants to be a predator and everyone wants t kill each other since it has friendly fire. I might jump on it later one for old times sake and get a feel for it again but I know I prolly won't last long on it.

MemberAlien EggAug-20-2013 9:18 AMi haven't touched AvP 1 in years, hows the multiplayer on that one?
[img width=351 height=150]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ML_kFkjpdzE/SK6uPUT8iKI/AAAAAAAAGm4/tzk1lye2eZE/s400/vlcsnap-94269.jpg[/img] "Frostmourne Hungers"

MemberFacehuggerAug-20-2013 9:21 AMIt's not bad. It's been a while since I played it online. I've been playing skirmish a lot to be honest. I've had some fun online with it.
Just tried to play it online now but sadly there's no one hosting a game :(

MemberAlien EggAug-20-2013 9:33 AMACM actually has a fun online game play but haven't played it for months.
[img width=351 height=150]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ML_kFkjpdzE/SK6uPUT8iKI/AAAAAAAAGm4/tzk1lye2eZE/s400/vlcsnap-94269.jpg[/img] "Frostmourne Hungers"

MemberFacehuggerAug-20-2013 9:36 AMMy only gripe with ACM online is that you can't pick one team and stick with it as in if I pick marine I wanna stay as a marine instead of having to play an Alien when I don't want to. It's been ages since I've played it at all. Same with AVP 2003.

MemberAlien EggAug-22-2013 1:19 AMonce i get me Playstation 3 again i will get me AVP again and play it as well.the problems was back when it came out everybody want to play that overrated bullshit call CALL OF DUTY, yeah i admit i love it nevertheless i loved AVP AND ACM more then COD, once i have PS3 again my SN is DARTHBLUNT420